BSides Singapore Conference 2023

After three years of virtual events, BSides Singapore finally returned to a physical format, bringing back the energy of in-person discussions, hands-on sessions, and real-world networking. BSides Singapore Conference 2023 was held on 22nd of September.

Conference Talks

  • Keynote - My Journey: Driven by the Inspiration from Hackers in SF Novels by Asuka Nakajima
  • Breaking Barriers: Using XSS to Achieve RCE by Aden Yap Chuen Zhen, Ali Radzali
  • Developing a Linux Loadable Kernel Module based rootkit from scratch by Soumyanil Biswas
  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Build a Modern Detection & Response Program by Allyn Stott
  • Knock, Knock - Abusing Ephemeral Ports for Data Exfil and C2 by Hubert Lin
  • Three’s company: Investigating an Espionage Campaign featuring Multiple Threat Actors by Lior Rochberger, Tom Fakterman
  • It’s raining creds - crawling DockerHub for leaked secrets at scale by Aliz Hammond
  • How threat actors are Using AI and other modern tools to enhance their phishing attempts by Chetan Raghuprasad
  • AI Package Hallucination – Spreading Malicious Packages Using Generative AI by Bar Lanyado


  • Endpoint Forensics - A Hands On Workshop by Surya Teja Masanam and Santhosh Baswa
  • Secure Coding: Fix from the root by Gopika Subramanian and Hitesh Kumar

The presentation slides are archived here -